The Gen XY Lifestyle
Airbnb Tops the List for Singaporean Digital Nomads
A recent YouGov survey has revealed that Airbnb is the most popular booking platform among Singaporean digital nomads and those aspiring to adopt this lifestyle.
The survey found that 32 percent of Singaporeans who have been or aspire to be digital nomads prefer Airbnb for their accommodation needs.
Generational Preferences
The survey highlights a generational divide in platform preferences.
Airbnb is particularly popular among Gen Z (45 percent) and Millennials (36 percent), while Gen X and Baby Boomers show lesser preferences at 25 percent and 23 percent, respectively. This trend suggests that younger generations are more inclined towards the what Airbnb offers.
Digital Nomad Lifestyle in Singapore
The survey also sheds light on the prevalence of the digital nomad lifestyle in Singapore. According to YouGov data, 36 percent of Singaporeans have experienced being digital nomads at some point. Among those who haven’t, opinions are split evenly, with half considering it a potential lifestyle choice and the other half rejecting the idea.
Accommodation Preferences
When it comes to accommodation, short-term holiday rentals are the top choice for both current and aspiring digital nomads (36 percent). This preference is particularly strong among females (42 percent) and younger generations like Gen Z and Millennials (42 percent each). Serviced apartments (29 percent) and hotels (28 percent) are also popular options.
Top Priorities for Digital Nomads
Safety is the top priority for digital nomads when booking accommodation, with 67 percent of respondents ranking it as their primary concern. This is especially true for women (72 percent) and Gen X respondents (73 percent). Cost follows as the second most important factor, chosen by 56 percent of respondents, with Gen X showing a higher concern for cost (61 percent). Location rounds out the top three priorities, with 49 percent of respondents considering it crucial.
Data and graphics provided by YouGov.