Health x Wellness

Bosch’s simple lifestyle guide for keeping Diabetes at bay

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Bosch shares a simple guide that offers small tweaks to help with cooking healthier food

These small tweaks to food preparation and ingredients are easy to implement and does not require big changes to current habits.

Know HOW to cook, not just WHAT to cook
Heathy eating always gets unfairly labelled as being boring or bland. Don’t just boil your food and call it a (healthy) day. Roasting, baking and steaming are recommended cooking methods for diabetics, as they require minimal fat to make food tasty. A product of German ingenuity, the Bosch Series 8 Ovens were designed to maximise the nutrients retained in roasted, grilled, baked and even steamed food. These ovens are also capable of enhancing the natural flavours of food by achieving the perfect crisp and the perfect succulence without using added oil.

Take advantage of short-cuts
To overcome the lack of time to eat healthy, Bosch is here to set the record straight – healthy eating does not require slaving over a stove. Invest in multi-functional gadgets designed to help save time and lives. With the Bosch Series 8 Ovens, all the diabetic-friendly cooking methods of roasting, baking and steaming are now achievable in one oven. Better yet, the oven can also take care of the whole cooking process without any monitoring needed, thanks to its intuitive sensor technology.

Don’t avoid the enemy, conquer it
It’s a common myth that the only way to beat Diabetes is by cutting out carbs entirely. In reality, it’s all about eating in moderation. Don’t be tempted to skip meals. Doing so will only increase the risk of overeating and overindulging in unhealthy treats when hunger takes over. To fight Diabetes effectively, it is absolutely critical to keep your blood sugar levels steady. You can easily achieve this with a well-balanced meal plan. Space out smaller portion of meals evenly throughout the day, which can help with stabilising your appetite and blood glucose levels.

Fill up with greens and proteins
How to consume carbs more moderately, you say? Reducing your intake of carbs shouldn’t leave you hungry, as long as you prioritise non-starchy vegetables and lean proteins, which can keep you full for longer. Even if your new diet leaves your tummy rumbling, you’re absolutely allowed to keep snacks on hand. Nuts and seeds like almonds are great low-carb snacks that are high in protein, healthy fat and fibre.

Substitute like a pro
We often make the wrong trade-off when attempting to swap out unhealthy food for better alternatives. For instance, low-fat food can actually contain higher sugar content to make up for the taste. Check the ingredient list just to be sure. If you have trouble decoding the sugar content, simply avoid packaged food and choose real, natural ingredients instead. A simple starting point would be to substitute regular meal starches, like having cauliflower rice instead of Chinese fried rice, or zucchini ribbons instead of pasta.

Guide and picture credit: Bosch Singapore



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