Health x Wellness

Comparing Insurance Has Never Been Easier

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Take the guesswork out of insurance with an all-new comparison website, GoBear.

GoBear, the first and only comprehensive meta search engine for insurance is now available to Singaporeans. This free service compares hundreds of insurance policies in seconds, and users can look forward to a transparent and unbiased comparison of prices and coverage amidst other policy features in just a few seconds.

By using GoBear, users can look forward to:

1. Variety & Choice: Rather than trawling various websites and re-entering personal data to gather quotes from multiple insurers, users can access all the insurance plans that best suit their needs at one go, saving time while gathering easy to understand information. The comparison feature also allows users to easily browse through the details of each insurance plan side by side to find the best deals. GoBear compares over a hundred insurance plans from almost all major insurers present in Singapore.

2. Ease & Convenience: The user interface is straightforward, making it easy to enter details, and the site has been optimized for all connected devices so that retrieving your quote can be easily done across any platform on all devices. This ‘save quote’ option allows users to bring up last year’s quote during renewal time, review their options and within minutes select the policy that would suit them best. It also allows them the opportunity to share their findings with friends and family and get their opinions.

3. Clear & Trusted Information: GoBear uses clear and concise information, doing away with unfamiliar jargon and fine print, making it easy to understand. GoBear includes coverage scores that help users to compare plans. With this score it is easy to see which plan suits the user best.




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