Health x Wellness

First Networked Care Pilot For Geriatrics Announced

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Networked Care App to facilitate connections with local advocacy and healthcare communities for families living with age-related illnesses.

SAP SE and Sierra Solutions have recently announced a partnership with ACE Seniors, a Singapore-based social enterprise and interest group that offers a holistic approach towards successful ageing, to pilot a project to improve the quality of care provided to geriatric patients in Singapore. The pilot includes the participation of local care organisations including Alzheimer’s Disease Association Singapore (ADA), Centre For Seniors (CFS), AWWA, and Metta Alumni Care (Metta).

At the centre of the pilot is the Networked Care application, eCareApp, built by Sierra Solutions on SAP’s HANA Cloud Platform for iPhones, similar to a private social network. The app, which will be available on the App Store, helps carers and their families connect with advocacy and healthcare programs, which provide best practices in self-care and caregiving. This service helps create healthier lives by enabling communities and empowering families to care for each other.

Through the pilot, which will run in the first half of 2016, five to 10 family groups from each of the local care organisations will trial the app which provides Singapore-specific resources, expert content and family-centric insights on age-related illnesses such as dementia.

Networked Care helps people learn about a family member’s condition, share knowledge, and track daily progress. The app also provides a platform to publish best practices and allows people to collaborate through a private journal to take preventative action and track daily progress.

ecare app




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