Health x Wellness

Get Out, Get Moving and Stay Active

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Join Active Ager Asia, a membership community to help you keep healthy and stay fit. Walk and earn rewards!

Members can sync your Fitbit, Jawbone, Google Fit, Moves or preferred mobile pedometer app with the system, get educational articles from the Active Age and enjoy privileges. Through the portal, members are encouraged to keep good health by walking to earn incentives.

More information at Active Ager Asia.

Know how to stay active and get moving for a much healthier lifestyle.

Nowadays, our weekend lifestyle revolves around sitting in front of the TV, watching our favorite Korean drama series while munching on snacks or junk food. Our weekdays are spent sitting all day in front of computers, surfing the internet for hours, or wrapping up reports.

This inactive and sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to health, especially if there isn’t enough exercise on a regular basis.

To become happier, healthier and have a more positive outlook in life, here are some tips on how to get active:

  1. Exercise – Getting out there and sweating it out takes a lot of control and dedication in order to make it a habit for a lifetime. Try to engage in an exercise routine that suits your physical fitness and schedule.
  2. Walk – If you think you’re not sure what exercise will be best for you, why not start with walking? Instead of letting time fly surfing Facebook and watching cat videos, use your free time to walk around the neighborhood. Brisk walk for at least 20 minutes a day to give your heart and body a good workout.
  3. Run – Once walking gets too easy, jog. It is a harder challenge compared to walking, but well worth the time and effort to keep in shape and healthy. Running is an effective exercise to burn calories and help you maintain your body shape.
  4. Use the Stairs – Forget about the elevator or the escalator when going to the mall or to your office. Get yourself a workout just by using the stairs! This is a great exercise you can do every day without having to find time to set aside in your schedule. These are small steps to reap big returns in health.
  5. Ditch the car – If you are running errands to a nearby location, why not go on foot instead? Walking to your destination is a form of exercise that can get your heart rate up. You can also try parking further from your destination to give yourself a chance to walk for a few minutes.
  6. Get in touch with nature – You can appreciate more of your environment and surroundings if you start hiking occasionally. Walking uphill is a great exercise for your body as you get to appreciate nature at the same time. This is also a great chance for you to meditate and channel the positive vibes into your life.
  7. Stand up at work – You can get yourself a standing-desk to keep you from sitting all day. If this is not possible, make sure to stretch your body from time to time or take short walks during your break to be more energized throughout the day. We suggest 5 minutes of each hour every hour as a start.
  8. Engage in a sport – This shouldn’t be difficult if you find yourself enjoying playing sports. You can play with your kids or friends every weekend to catch some sun, and a nice bit of physical activity. If you’re not that much of an outdoors person, why not hit the dance studio instead?
  9. Walk your dog (or cat) – Walking your dog gives you an opportunity to exercise as well. Both you and your dog will get sunshine and exercise.
  10. Find someone to get active with – If you’re finding it hard to get active alone, call a friend. Find someone who has the same goals when it comes to getting and staying healthy. Getting in shape and fit together is always fun as you get to encourage each other to keep going.

These are just some tips to help you begin living a healthy lifestyle. Make it a habit and soon enough, you’ll be living a more active life like you’ve always dreamed of.



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