Health x Wellness
Lose Weight the Healthy Way
Finding it hard to keep a healthy lifestyle in your busy schedule? Forget about trend diets or starving yourself—know the right drill when it comes to losing weight.
Believe it or not, our bodies prefer slow changes when it comes to diet and exercise. Because of this, engaging in hardcore exercise routine and crash diet plans are not recommended.
So what is the most effective way to lose weight? How can you be fit while keeping your body healthy? Read on as you might just be surprised how simple it is to keep your body in great shape.
How many times should you remind yourself that exercise is still the best way to lose weight? Cutting corners simply won’t do—you have to exert a lot of effort in order to burn those calories.
What you have to do is find the most effective exercise that will suit your body. You can hit the gym, hire a trainer or simply walk and jog around the park. Having regular physical activity will definitely help you lose weight even if you have the same diet and calorie intake.
Walking for at least 20 mins a day is a good start. This shouldn’t be difficult since walking is not a physically demanding routine. Simply head out in your sneakers and you’re ready to go. Try brisk walking as soon as you can feel that your body is ready to speed up. Once you get the hang of it, you can try walking at double the speed for a longer time duration as your fitness improves.
Brisk walking improves your cardiovascular fitness, making it a great exercise routine not only for losing weight but in keeping your heart healthy as well. Walking is an effective exercise habit that can be developed, especially if you want to lessen the risks of heart disease.
Eat Right
Eating right doesn’t mean you can’t eat what you want. It all boils down to balance and control. You have to know that eating too much of everything is just bad. Try to make smart choices when it comes to your food intake in order to help your body lose that fat.
Exercise wouldn’t be as effective if you continue to binge eat. It is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits together with water as you get your body in shape. Avoid sugary snacks and carbonated drinks as much as possible.
Once you know how to eat right, you have to treat yourself to a good meal from time to time. Set a cheat day every week to satisfy your cravings. Eat what you want but take it in small portions.
If you’ve decided to skip on rice, you can set a day where you allow yourself to get a sumptuous rice meal. This isn’t so bad, considering you’re doing just fine in terms of your diet and exercise throughout the rest of the week.
Losing weight doesn’t only involve diets and becoming active. Knowing how you spend your time during the week is also important. Instead of finding time to work out, you have to make time for it. Don’t just say you can’t go for a walk since you’re too busy. Empty out at least 20 minutes of your daily schedule to develop a daily walking habit. Doesn’t sound too difficult right?
Wake up a bit earlier if you think your schedule is too packed during the day. Get yourself out of bed earlier than the usual to make time for exercise. You can also use this time to prepare your meals during the day. Meal planning will keep you away from junk food .
Losing weight may not be as easy as it looks like. The good news is, you can still do something about it. Get yourself going and be active as you exercise, eat and plan to the healthier lifestyle you’ve always wanted.
Join Active Ager Asia, a membership community to help you keep healthy and stay fit. Members can sync your Fitbit, Jawbone, Google Fit, Moves or preferred mobile pedometer app with the system, get educational articles from the Active Age and enjoy privileges. Through the portal, members are encouraged to keep good health by walking to earn incentives. More information at Active Ager Asia.