All posts tagged "osteoporosis"
Staff Writer | June 16, 2022
Osteoporosis in Women
Osteoporosis affects one in three women, and one in five men over the age of 50. It is...
Staff Writer | December 6, 2021
Asia Pacific Consortium on Osteoporosis launches educational series
The 17-module educational series is a world-first, interactive, educational osteoporosis resource for Healthcare Professionals. The series seeks to...
AaronK | June 8, 2020
Which Pilates exercises are best for those suffering from Osteoporosis?
Pilates exercises done correctly can help people with weakened bones by increasing bone density, strength and muscle mass,...
AaronK | June 1, 2020
Can you do Pilates if you suffer from osteoporosis?
The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) Asian Audit (published in 2009) reported that in 2006, approximately 55,000 Singaporean women...
Staff Writer | February 28, 2017
Olive Oil Can Work Wonders for Your Health
Find out why olive oil is more than just a simple kitchen ingredient. Did you know that there...
Staff Writer | November 29, 2016
Keeping your Bones Healthy
Build strong bones to prevent osteoporosis When you were young, your body was very capable in developing new...