Health x Wellness
Virtual Pilates – An inclusive fundraising event
ABLE Singapore, a charity serving the physically challenged, has teamed up with Pilates guru Audrey D’Cotta of The Moving Body, to run through a 45-minutes adapted Pilates mobility session on Zoom, with props found in the home environment.
The movements are suitable for physically challenged with upper mobility, and all people who want to mobilize their bodies after having been sedentary a long time. Audrey will be joined on screen by ABLE’s client-ambassador and stroke survivor, Madam So.
At SGD 20 per ticket, the proceeds and donations will help ABLE continue supporting persons with disabilities and their caregivers. Group package tickets are also available for this event.
Virtual Pilates – An inclusive fundraising event
Date | Sunday, 19 July 2020
Time | 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Event registration |
ABLE (Abilities Beyond Limitations and Expectations Limited) is a Singapore charity that provide rehabilitation programmes, respite for caregivers, training and transport for their beneficiaries, as well as a social enterprise that provides administrative and accounting services for companies.