Health x Wellness

SG Workers Guide To Stress Management

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More than 45% of Singaporeans are unhappy at work and a recent survey showed that almost two thirds of employees in Singapore have elevated levels of stress. To add, a failure to cope with workplace stress over time may lead to negative effects such as increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and other illnesses.


AIA Singapore has prepared a helpful list of tips to help combat stress at work: 

#1 Forging close relationships with colleagues

X  Avoid colleagues who are negative or constantly “pushing your buttons”

X  Avoid gossiping about colleagues or talking about controversial issues such as religion or politics

√  Develop friendships with co-workers outside of the workplace by going out to lunches and after-work bonding sessions

√  Ask for help when you need and lend help when needed

#2 Maintain open communication channels with your superiors

√  Submit high quality work that you are proud of

√  Ask to take on more responsibilities if you have a poor job satisfaction

√  Speak to your superiors if you need advice/ mentorship/ help

√  Identify suitable training courses and ask if you can attend some of them 

#3 Implement good working habits

X  Accept that you can’t control everything

X  Say no to additional workload if you’re unable to cope. This means planning your time well in advance

√  Have a positive mindset

√  Plan for regular breaks throughout the day

√  Prioritise important work in the early part of the day

#4 Maintain interpersonal relationships outside of work

X  Recognise that problems in our personal lives exacerbates work-related stress

√  Spend quality time with your family and friends 

#5 Eat a healthy and balanced meal

X  Avoid stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine or sugar drinks

√  Ensure you consume a healthy and balanced meal to regulate blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy body weight

√  Realise what we eat also affects our moods, and certain foods such as green leafy vegetables, blue berries or turkey breast, are known to have calming effects on our body. 

#6 Exercise regularly

√  Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activities per week

√  Exercise improves our mood, releases endorphins in our brain and helps us maintain a healthy body weight

√  Playing sports that we love helps us destress and take our minds off work 

#7 Get quality sleep everyday

X  Lacking quality sleep impacts our concentration levels at work, and can make us less patient and easily agitated

√  Get a minimum of 7 hours of consecutive sleep each night

√  Put in place a regular sleep routine

√  Ensure we set up a good sleeping environment, including reducing screen time just before bed, getting a comfortable bed and sheets and putting up good curtains to keep out the light 

#8 Find novel or personalised ways to combat stress

√  Meditation and other relaxing techniques, such as massages, yoga and stretching

√  Set aside time to enjoy your hobbies, such as music, games or sports

√  Seek support from family and friends and do not hesitate to approach helplines in Singapore such as:


Article and visuals provided by AIA Singapore

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