All posts tagged "Depression"
Staff Writer | June 1, 2023
Duke-NUS finds more frequent signs of depression and anxiety amongst youth
Duke-NUS Medical School and the Institute of Mental Health survey finds frequent signs of depression and anxiety resulting...
Aaron K | August 4, 2022
Is mental health and smoking linked?
Smoking is a harmful activity that causes negative impact on our respiratory system. Smoking can also cause other...
Staff Writer | February 3, 2022
Scientists develop programme that can detect depression using wearable data
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) scientists have developed a predictive computer programme that can detect individuals who...
Staff Writer | January 12, 2022
Understanding Depression For Men
Depression is a common mental disorder which negatively affects how you feel, think, or act. This is a...
AaronK | February 2, 2018
Fighting Depression: Stop Using Food to Deal With It
‘Cause mood foods and stress-eating are not the best ways to deal with depression Do you have the...
AaronK | June 22, 2017
Jodee Kua shares about being a Peer Support Specialist
National Council of Social Service (NCSS) and the Institute of Mental Health jointly conducted a 180-hour training curriculum for...
Staff Writer | March 16, 2017
Health Benefits: Get to Know Turmeric
Find out how this common herb can do wonders for your health Without a doubt, turmeric is a...
Staff Writer | December 13, 2016
Dangers of Not Being Active
A sedentary lifestyle can impact your health negatively Not having regular exercise increases your risk for illness and...
Staff Writer | November 28, 2016
8 Effective Tips for Relieving Stress and Anxiety
Deal with negative emotions appropriately with these tips Anxiety kicks in when you’re too stressed out and exhausted....
AaronK | June 22, 2016
Tame Your Sweet Tooth to Avoid Diabetes
Join Active Ager Asia, a membership community to help you keep healthy and stay fit. Walk and earn...