Health x Wellness
Travel Essentials for Your Health
Taking a holiday? Here are some travel essentials you may need to include in your luggage.
Ready for your next holiday as we head into the festive season? You may want to check your travel essentials for a smooth and enjoyable trip.
Here’s our list of items to include in your carry on or luggage for a worry-free holiday:
Rehydration Sachets
If you’re going for a long trip, make sure to keep yourself dehydrated to avoid vomiting and having diarrhea. Of course, make it a point that the drinking water is safe to drink at all times.
First Aid Kit
This is very important, especially if you’re going on a trip with children. You’ll never know when accidents can happen and you must know what to do when it does.Take some painkillers, antiseptic creams or solution, tweezers, plasters, bandage tape, wound-cleaning gauze and thermometer in your kit. Don’t forget to bring some medications you normally take whenever you get flu or colds.
Travel Wrap
It’s always nice to be comfortable and warm while you go traveling in between airports. If you find jackets, coats and hoodies too heavy to bring, use a travel wrap instead. They are very easy to hold on to even if you’re not wearing them, making transit in airports a breeze.
Healthy Snacks
If you want to save money on food while traveling, it is best to pack some healthy food in your baggage. Squeeze in some granola bars, pre-made healthy rice or organic fruit snacks that will make you full during the trip. Of course, you don’t have to starve yourself during this big getaway. These snacks will just help you get through the day, especially if you have a packed itinerary in a short period of time.
Sleeping Aids
If you have problem sleeping, you may want to bring some ear plugs and a sleep mask to help ease the problem. Longer flights may take a toll on your body since you will have to sleep while on board. Don’t forget to bring your comfortable neck pillow to help you dose off to dreamland without any problems.
Aloe Vera Gel
This is the perfect best friend to your sun kissed skin after a tropical beach getaway. Treat sunburns with aloe vera gel to soothe them as they’re also effective in calming itchy bug bites and rashes.