The Gen XY Lifestyle
Half of Singaporeans self-classify as meat eaters
The latest YouGov Surveys research shows that half of consumers in Singapore (51 percent) consider themselves as meat eaters.
Nearly a fifth (18 percent) see themselves as flexitarians who eat a primarily plant-based diet, but still occasionally consume meat and fish.
Only 5 percent of consumers have adopted a fully plant-based diet (i.e. vegetarian) that may exclude all animal products, such as eggs and milk.
Pescetarians, who eat seafood – but not meat from land animals – in addition to plant-based foods make up just 3 percent of all Singapore consumers.

Does gender or age make a difference to meat consumption?
Men are significantly (57 percent) more likely than women (47 percent) to regularly consume meat and poultry.
Across generations, over 60 percent of Gen Zs regularly consume meat or poultry while Baby Boomers are significantly less likely to, with less than half saying the same.

How does taste vs. price impact consumption?
Taste is the top priority of meat eaters and pescatarians when deciding what to eat.
Flexitarians focus on how healthy a food is, ahead of price or costs.
Health, on the other hand, is the top priority of vegetarians/vegans – ahead of price and taste.

What are the most preferred cuisines?
Across all diet types, Chinese, Japanese and Thai stand out as the top most preferred cuisines.
Chinese is the most popular cuisine among meat eaters, flexitarians, vegetarians/ vegans.
Japanese is most popular among pescetarians, and second most popular among meat eaters and flexitarians and third among vegetarians/vegans.
Thai is second most popular among pescetarians, third among meat eaters and flexitarians, but comes in sixth among mong vegetarians/vegans after Italian and Korean.
Graphics courtesy of YouGov and Photo by José Ignacio Pompé on Unsplash