Health x Wellness
Great Eastern Women’s Run Returns This November
Asia’s largest all-women run returns this 13 November at The Float @ Marina Bay.
Get active and take part in the iconic Great Eastern Women’s RUN (GEWR) 2016 happening this November at The Float @ Marina Bay. Flagging off from 5.15am onwards, the run will once again feature the region’s first all-women’s half marathon, in addition to other 5km and 10km race categories. Also back by popular demand is the Princess Dash, where young girls aged three to nine get to compete in colourful tutus alongside their mothers.
For the first time ever, GEWR collaborates with local fashion label KLARRA, to offer participants a limited edition GEWRxKLARRA scarf on the race day. Proceeds from the sale of the scarves will go towards supporting the Breast Cancer Foundation and the Women’s Health Research and Education Fund.
As part of the ‘Don A Tutu For A Cause’ initiative, runners can also do their bit for charity by making a minimum donation of SGD 5 for a tutu in the colour of one of the event’s beneficiaries.
Registration for the race is starting from SGD 22 onwards and will close on 30 September.
For more information and to register, visit here.