Health x Wellness

Put Your Best Foot Forward to a Healthier Lifestyle

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Join Active Ager Asia, a membership community to help you keep healthy and stay fit. Members can sync your Fitbit, Jawbone, Google Fit, Moves or preferred mobile pedometer app with the system, get educational articles from the Active Age and enjoy privileges. Through the portal, members are encouraged to keep good health by walking to earn incentives. More information at Active Ager Asia.

Always wanted to be active and get moving? Why not start by walking today? Here’s how to incorporate exercise into your healthy lifestyle.

Though expanding waistlines may be the current trend, get yourself moving and do something about it. You might hit the gym or try out a new sport, but did you know there’s a certain exercise to keep you fit and healthy without having to spend a dollar?

Believe it or not, walking is an effective form of exercise to improve your longevity and cardiovascular fitness. All you need is to slip into your favorite sneakers and you’re good to go!

Benefits of Walking

Walking as your exercise has several benefits, including:

  • Reduces risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke
  • Improves cardiovascular fitness
  • Lightens mood
  • Helps you lose weight
  • Improves sleep
  • Lowers blood pressure and strengthens the heart
  • Boosts Vitamin D
  • Relieves stress and anxiety
  • Improves memory

Where to Walk

You can easily walk in your local park or around your neighbourhood. This is a great opportunity for you to check out your environment as you can get out, get some exercise and fresh air. Once you get the hang of it, feel free to challenge yourself by trying out different routes. Perhaps you can try walking up a hill or on non-level terrain.

If you need to get somewhere near, why not walk to your destination instead of riding public transportation or driving your car?

For those working in companies, skip the elevator and take the stairs instead. Doing this everyday would be a great way to squeeze in exercise in your hectic schedule.

How Long Should You Walk

For a beginner, it is enough to walk for just 20 minutes a day to help you get started. Walking for 20 minutes on a regular basis will burn around 80 calories. Try brisk walking for 30 minutes to cover at least 2.5 to 3km. Once you think your body is ready for more, you can walk for an hour or two, depending on your condition. Always listen to your body if you decide to try a more challenging walk.

For those who can’t squeeze a 30-minute walk into their schedule, you can break this up and walk for about 2-3 times daily for 10 to 20 minutes each time. Doing so is better than not exercising at all.

Enjoy The Walking Lifestyle

Walking doesn’t have to be a taxing activity. Instead, take it as an opportunity to get your body in shape while having fun. You can listen to your favorite work out songs while walking or even bring a friend with you. This will be a great way for you to bond with each other as well.

Do have a dog with you? You can take your pet for a walk while you do something good for your body. Talk about hitting two birds at the same time. You can incorporate simple exercises along the way as your body gets conditioned.

Hiking is a great way for you to sweat it up and get to close to nature too! This is an enjoyable activity you can do with your best buddies as you burn those calories and catch up like old times. Who says walking has to be dull and boring?

Walking your way to a healthy lifestyle is definitely possible. What are you waiting for? Get up and get moving to start living your life the healthy way.



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