Health x Wellness
A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Fit, Happy and Healthy
Being fit is not just about getting a small waist or toned abs. It is a state that enables you to reach your full potential for a more active lifestyle.
If you think things are starting to get out of hand, it’s probably about time to take a breather. Do you feel sluggish and lethargic most of the time that you can’t perform your duties and tasks effectively? If this is the case, consider getting a break by evaluating your lifestyle for the past couple of years.
Getting Fit
Being in shape is a decision. It must become a priority in order for exercise to be effective. It won’t help if you feel like exercise is an obligation that you need to fulfill just to get done with it. You have to love exercising in order to reap all its benefits in the long run.
Find the best exercise that you think your body can handle. Try to walk, run or do basic yoga as a start. Forget about doing hardcore exercises since your body may react to it differently. It’s always great to listen to your body when it comes to choosing a workout routine.
Once you have a workout in mind, don’t let your schedule depend on your availability to exercise. You have to make an effort to squeeze working out in between your schedule to make it work. Getting at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise daily should be enough to get you started.
Encourage yourself to keep going by setting goals. Have you always wanted to lose weight? Now is the perfect time to do so.
Being Happy
Are you aware that your brain releases happy chemicals when you work out? These chemicals called dopamine are released whenever you feel pleasure and happiness. Since your energy is used every single day, you’d somehow feel a sense of accomplishment after hitting the gym or right after you exercise. This explains why people feel happy every time they’ve managed to get themselves sweat it all out.
Once you develop the habit of exercising regularly, expect your mood to be lively more than ever. It’ll boost your confidence to do better next time, allowing yourself to take on harder challenges you’ve never thought you can handle.
Some people may not agree with this, but regular exercise can be a fun way to spend time on your own. Walking or jogging can give you an opportunity to look around and appreciate your surroundings. It is also an effective way to meditate and think on things while getting your body all worked up.
At the same time, don’t forget to sleep early as much as you can. How can your face light up early in the morning if you have a bad headache due to lack of sleep? Be strict when it comes to your bedtime and stick with it. You’ll find yourself more productive the next day, allowing you to accomplish more things and reach your full potential.
Staying Healthy
You must realize by now that exercise alone won’t get you anywhere. Any physical activity should be paired up with the right diet and enough sleep. How is your eating habit treating you for the last five years? Are you used to ordering Chinese every single night just to spare you from the burden of cooking? If this is the case, consider making changes when it comes to your diet.
If you’ve been burning a lot of carbs, it is normal for you to crave more food. However, did you know that regular exercise helps you avoid stress eating? Look for a much healthier option whenever you dine out with your friends. You can always look for low-fat meals that are still delicious to keep your carbs in check.
Instead of snacking on junk, try to look for healthier substitutes. Bring an apple to work instead of the usual bag of chips you normally have. Skip the glazed donuts for a healthier peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You can use whole wheat bread instead of the usual white one. Your healthier choices will soon add up, allowing you to reap the full benefits of exercise.
Getting fit, happy and healthy is a choice. Take that leap of faith and start living a healthy lifestyle today!
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