Health x Wellness

Creating Your Own New Year Resolutions

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Stay motivated by aligning your goals with your new year resolutions

Kickstart your New Year by setting goals to improve yourself. Reflect on the previous year and think about the things you could have achieved for yourself. Resolutions are usually made up but forgotten as time pass. By setting your goals as the New Year resolutions, there’ll be more reasons for you to stay determined in realising these resolutions.

Make worthy resolutions such as losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle as compared to your previous year. It’s alright if you’ve made such resolutions before because it might not have been the right resolution at that point in time.

You should also think realistically when it comes to making New Year resolutions. If you are aiming to exercise regularly, make sure you have ample time to do so in order to achieve your goals. Set your environment right for success and it will be easier to achieve your goals.

Here are 6 resolutions to inspire you in making the right one for your health

Exercise with your buddy

Call up your good friend or reconnect with an old friend and gof for a workout together. Not only are you helping each other keep to a healthy lifestyle, you can also use the opportunity to catch up.

Face-to-face communication is always better than catching up on social media. Talking in person also allows you to express your feelings better. Your friends could also act as a support system to motivate you or start a friendly competition to maximise your potential.

Focus on fun

Instead of being too obsessed with losing weight, concentrate on having fun while exercising. Be confident about strengthening and toning your body. If you do not see results for the first few weeks, do not be disheartened! It takes time and constant effort to transform your fats into muscles.

Think about the adrenaline rush when doing high-intensity exercise or the boost in energy after every workout. You can also combine various workouts when planning your routine so that you would not get tired of performing the same exercise. Add fun into your workouts in order to stay motivated.

Keep a journal

Write about your fitness progress or quotes to stay inspired. By monitoring your fitness progress, you can push yourself and stay on the right path to achieve your goals.

Record factors such as your eating habits, the distance and timing of cardio exercise and weight count. Look through your accomplishments from time to time so that you will stay determined to complete that goal.

Quit smoking

If you have attempted to quit smoking before, chances are you might not have been successfully the first time round. Embrace your failures and think positively. Garner support from your family and friends who can remind you about your New Year resolution. You might also want to make a mental note about the amount of money you could save when you quit smoking.

If you are unable to curb this addiction on your own, seek professional help by dialing hotlines or join anti-smoking campaigns such as the ‘I Quit 28-Day Countdown’ organised by the Health Promotion Board. Make sure to come up with plans to stick to your resolutions.

Grow your wealth

As the standard of living in Singapore rises, it is crucial to start saving money at an early age. Besides placing your savings in a bank, you can also choose to invest in insurance savings plan or stocks that provide high rates of return.

Saving money prompts you to adjust your lifestyle as well. Cut costs by exercising at home instead of paying for a gym membership. Make your own meals instead of dining out regularly. Such changes have a positive impact on your savings within a year.

Give back to society

Share your happiness by volunteering to help out at an old folks’ home or pets’ association. Maintaining positive emotions reduces your risk of developing heart illnesses.

Your mental health will also grow to be more resilient and resourceful because your brain is able to process your thinking clearly. High stress level and negative emotions cause you to make irrational decisions.

No matter what New Year resolution that you make, be sure to follow it through with proper planning. Aim to motivate yourself when you feel demoralized at times.



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