Health x Wellness
Walk Your Way to Fitness
In today’s busy society, walking may be a lost art when it comes to exercising. Here’s how to get fit, be healthy and have a happy lifestyle just by walking.
Ever felt like your body needs a reboot? Tired of the usual lethargic feeling every single time? If you think you need a change of lifestyle, then it’s about that time to get started with a walk.
Exercise is a must to keep your body healthy. Did you know that walking is an effective form of exercise for weight loss? At the same time, it has several benefits that are good for your cardiovascular system.
If you think you’re ready to get in shape, here’s what you need to know about walking:
Walking is easy. This should be the easiest way to get yourself in shape since you don’t need to buy an equipment to get started. Simply slip into your pair of good sneakers and you’re ready to walk your way to good health. At the same time, you can walk anywhere you want to without even spending a single dime.
Walking is a process. If you’ve been living a sedentary lifestyle, you may get tired easily after a few minutes of brisk walking. Don’t get upset if you feel this way. It’s normal to feel too tired on the first few days since your body is still adapting to it.
Walking is a step by step process and the best thing to do is to set a reachable goal by the day. As you get more physically used to the activity, you can change your goals to challenge yourself even more. If you’ve been walking for about 30 minutes for the past few weeks, why not add another thirty to keep you going? As you go along, it’ll be easier for you not to run out of breath every time you walk.
Walking is fun. Some may find walking as a boring form of exercise. This shouldn’t be the case since you can still make this healthy habit as fun as possible, while shedding the extra pounds as you go along. Simply bring your music player and put your workout playlist on loop to keep you pumped up.
If you have a dog, bring him or her along with you as you brisk walk in your neighbourhood. Walking is an opportunity for you to discover places you know and find out something new about them. Bottom line is, you have to make walking a fun physical activity to keep yourself doing it in the long run.
Walking is good for the heart. Walking on a regular basis is a great cardiovascular exercise to strengthen both your heart and lungs. Having a healthy heart keeps you from running out of breath easily, allowing you to increase your overall fitness like never before.
It is also a great exercise to lessen the risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. If you think running is too much, try walking regularly to keep your body in good health.
Walking is not enough. Don’t expect to lose weight in a flash once you’ve started walking. Keep in mind that eating habits also play an important part when it comes to fitness. Avoid eating too much fat and choose a different alternative whenever you’re grocery shopping. Eat more fruits and vegetables together with the right balance of protein to keep you in shape.
Now that you have an idea about walking as a form of exercise, why not try to get yourself out there? Start walking today and you’d never want to stay indoors to sweat it all out. Get fit and fab without spending a fortune and walk your way to fitness like never before.
Join Active Ager Asia, a membership community to help you keep healthy and stay fit. Members can sync your Fitbit or Jawbone or preferred mobile pedometer app with the system, get educational articles from the Active Age and enjoy merchant privileges. Through the portal, members are encouraged to keep good health by walking to earn incentives. More information at Active Ager Asia.