Health x Wellness
Why Switching to Brown Rice is a Healthy Choice
If you eat rice regularly, perhaps you might consider switching to brown rice for improved gains in wellness.
Looking for a healthier choice of grain for your meals? You may want to try brown rice as an option.
Brown rice is how white rice looks before going through the refining process. During the process, the out-side hull and bran are removed to make white rice. This also makes white rice easier to cook.
According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, white rice is less healthy since it’s already stripped of its fiber, calcium, proteins, thiamine, potassium and magnesium. Fiber is good for the body as it helps maintain a healthy weight and good for your digestive health as well.
Enriched white rice is full of additives as they are chemically altered with vitamins as the stripping process already removed most of the iron, zinc, vitamins and magnesium. To help you decide whether to make the swtich, here are some reasons why you can consider brown rice:
Full of Vitamins and Minerals
The bran of brown rice is rich in selenium, manganese and holds naturally occurring oils. Did you know that a cup of brown rice provides over 80 percent of your daily manganese requirement? Brown rice helps your body create healthy cholesterol as the important fatty acids in your body benefits your nervous and reproductive system.
Promotes Weight Loss
Brown rice helps you flush out your toxins regularly since it’s full of fiber, allowing you to have a healthy bowel and metabolic function. You don’t have to go for a second serving of rice once you go brown—you’ll eventually feel fuller despite eating a lesser amount of food.
Rich in Antioxidant and Fiber
Besides tea, brown rice is also a good source of antioxidants. According to studies, high use of whole grains including brown rice can also help contribute to lowe levels of colon cancer. Fiber is important since they keep the toxins from attaching to your colon.
Controls Blood Sugar Level
As the digestion time of brown rice is slower than white rice, there is a slower release of sugar into your blood stream. Importantly, brown rice has a lower glycemic index compared to other grains.